Our Services

Our highly experienced hospitalist team collaborates closely with top specialists, hand-picking the best health provider for each patient, ensuring you receive dedicated expertise to achieve optimal well-being.

Physician explaining to patient and family

Comprehensive Health Assessments

Our wellness team provides personalized health assessments, preventive care, and lifestyle guidance to help you achieve optimal health.

Doctor holding a patient's hand

Patient Advocacy

Our patient advocates are here to support and guide you through every step of your healthcare journey.

Woman smiling listening to physician or doctor

Quality of Care Initiatives

These are essential to uphold and improve the standards of care delivery, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes, increased patient satisfaction, and reduced healthcare costs. Our team focuses on the following:

  • Reducing hospital readmissions

  • Preventing healthcare-associated infections

  • Improving chronic disease management




Frequently Asked Questions

  • A hospitalist is a physician who specializes in caring for patients while they are in the hospital. Our hospitalists are board-certified in internal medicine, trained to treat complex medical conditions. A hospitalist is available 24/7 to provide care to patients in the hospital.

  • We provide concierge-level services that help take the stress out of a hospital stay. We are here to help explain and communicate with your care team and family.

  • We only hire board certified experienced physicians as part of our rounding team. We do not have Physician Assistants (PA’s), Nurse Practitioners, or other midlevel providers rounding on hospitalized patients.

    All of our physicians are long term members of the medical community and have close relationships with the leading specialists in order to assure the best outcomes. Dr. Kinga Porter and Dr. Bijoy John have each been working at Lakewood Ranch Medical Center for over 10 years.

    We are dedicated to giving you and your family the time and attention that you deserve. Lakewood Ranch Medical Center is our only rounding hospital, so we don’t have to rush to patients in other facilities.

  • LWR Concierge Hospitalists partner with your primary care physicians to care for you should you require hospitalization, and work to ensure a smooth transfer of care between inpatient and outpatient settings. Often, a hospitalist will meet with you before a surgery, including preoperative evaluations, and later during follow up postoperative care.

    We work closely with surgeons and other specialty and sub-specialty physicians. They also coordinate communication with referring physicians to assure continuity of care before, during, and after your hospital stay. In some cases, hospitalists may work with patients who are preparing to move from the hospital to a nursing home or an assisted-care facility, to help smooth the transition from one care environment to another.

Exceptional Care Starts Here.

Learn more about our insurance-based superior medical care.

Your well-being is our priority, and we look forward to serving you.